Monday, April 29, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Standing Tall

       I have to be honest....I knew that I decided on Christmas Day that I would join Weight Watchers once and for all and actually go to meetings. It took me until February 9th to actually make that happen. I went knowing that this is what I needed, but deep inside, I still was unsure. I spent the last week counting points, and then I went away overnight for Valentine's Day and didn't really count points. I did watch my portions and made good food choices though.
       I dreaded going to my meeting this morning, but I went and I was willing to accept losing half a pound because that would mean to me that I started at least something. When the scale said I lost 5 pounds, I thought I was deaf. I asked the girl again if it was really. I was flying high after that. You see, this weight loss thing has been an on again, off again thing now for 8 plus years, and I'm just so tired of it all. This is a life-change once and for all. I can't be doing this to myself anymore. I realized that the most important important person to love is myself. I deserve the best, and I can't get there by feeling sorry for myself but making it happen. I know that some people don't understand the struggles that come with making changes such as weight because they have never struggled themselves. That's ok because I also know that there are others who know and have lived it.
       I thought I was fat when I was in college, but looking back, I was at a healthy weight. I never really loved my body image, and I can say it's because that Hollywood and mostly everyone make body image purely false!!!!! It's not realistic that everyone be stick thin and tall! Those are models who basically starve themselves and have no curves! I feel badly for the girls growing up today who look at those magazines and watch shows and feel ugly and fat when in reality, they are perfect for who they are! Yes, I do know that today the obesity rate with children has sky-rocketed. I think it has alot to do with how the parents raise their children and how they feed them and control their activity levels. I, by no means, have perfected this, but I am well on my way of making myself aware of my own children and what I feed them as well as allow them to do. I allow my children to play some video games and watch TV, but I also keep them busy and limit their "down" time. I am aware of how I pack their lunches and what I feed them. I refuse to be so controlling that they notice and begin to have a negative self image either....that's a very DANGEROUS thing to plant in a child's's sticks with them FOREVER.
       All of this to say, I feel my 5-pound victory to one GIANT leap for me on this journey. I plan on starting to add a video blog to this eventually.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


       Since last Wednesday, it's been a roller-coaster of a ride. My grandma began to get worse, and she passed away early Saturday morning. I am currently in Ohio as yesterday we laid her to rest. This hasn't been good with me counting points or even really paying attention to my calorie intake. I have noticed that I have been attempting to still make good food choices.
       So, my journey continues, and I still won't give up in my weight loss journey. Just because you fall down a few days, doesn't mean that you need to give up altogether. I haven't even felt like writing much these last days either. Life will get back to normal here soon, and my journey will continue....

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to Basics

       I'm starting this blog while watching Biggest Loser, Season 14, on the eve of the biggest day of my life. I have been on a weight loss journey for a while, and I have given up. I could give multiple excuses as to why I have given up over and over in the past. I could sit here and give a "woe is me" story, but the truth of the matter is, there just is no excuse that is worth giving. This has been an on-going battle since I was 15 years old. I really began to struggle when I went to college. Then, after giving birth, I merely began to lose this battle. A couple of years ago, I was able to lose a great deal of weight, and I was really feeling good about myself, and then, I grew I had arrived even though I could have lost a good 30 more pounds.
       This time, I've decided that 2013 is the year of "no excuses." I simply have no excuse for not being healthy. I've suffered with some major health problems, and I need to become healthy for ME! Alot of people say they want to become healthy for their spouse or their children, but the truth of the matter is, they need to do this for themselves. To love myself, to see the beauty from within, to bloom like a beautiful flower into all that you were created to be...that is accomplishment.
       So, yes, this particular blog is going to be my log, my journey, my pathway to freedom. I choose to love myself. I choose to take care of me, and in the long run, it will benefit my loved ones. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I will be joining Weight Watchers and going to weekly meetings. That was the biggest thing that helped me the most in the past. Many people seem to think that that particular program is a hoax because many have eaten whatever is is they wanted and counted it as their points for the day. But, I'm going to be here to tell you, that isn't the case for me. I choose to cut out certain things, and I will enlighten you on this journey. There will be highs, and I'm sure there will be lows. But, I choose not to give up.
       I will weigh in tomorrow morning bright and early at 5:30 AM. I plan to lose a good 100 pounds. When I attend my first meeting, they may tell me that that's too much, I don't know. But for right now, that's my plan. I don't know how long it will take, but in the end, I will have accomplished the biggest goal I have ever set for myself in my entire life. This by far is bigger to me than completing college or giving birth to my children. It will be my biggest accomplishment. Thank you for following me on this journey. I'm going back to the basics, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!